воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

cad software linux

[private//hackable only by Kami, if he feels it necessary]

These past few days were certainly interesting--being changed back into my 9 1/2 year old self. Iapos;m quite happy to have retained my memories of what occurred during them. Kami was...well I guess I should say apos;isapos; since for some reason he has yet to change back...he is just as energetic as always. Though he seems to have a mischievous spark running through him, but itapos;s not one with the intention of hurting others, and I would never have expected it to be. Itapos;s more of a care-free attitude, as if he couldnapos;t see how anything, even something obviously dangerous, could ever be bad. Thatapos;s exactly what I had believed...that everyone who was bad could be changed. But is that really possible? Thereapos;s so much corruption, eliminating it would be a much more effective means. But if Kami believes it..

Anyway, I always find it odd how some people are unaffected by these curses, but I suppose it would have been horrific to have the entire school filled with crying children with no adults around whatsoever to care for them. Maybe the castle is being at least partially compassionate in that way. Tohru took it upon herself to take care of me, as well as many other students. Itapos;s no less than I would have expected from her. In fact, the more I think about it, Tohru seems to be the prefect representation of what Kami and I wish for everyone in this world to be like. No wonder I was attracted to her in the first place. Her selflessness, how humble she is, never once thinking of harming anyone...Iapos;m sure Kami must realize this perfection.

I feel it is my duty, as a servant of Kami, to protect this icon of our beliefs from anyone who would dare stand against us.


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best kiteboard

Though I suppose technically it was a casserole, since it was cooked in the oven, not on top of the stove.

Diced stewing beef (British) cheap from Lidl. Parsnips (English) from Asda dead cheap. Vacuum sealed pack of precooked beetroots, also from Lidl. Dash of sea salt, dash of ground pepper, sprinkle of herbes de provence, a little vegetable stock and two hours in the oven in my cast iron casserole dish.

Sweet and tasty, served in bowls with the last of the baby potatoes from the veg cupboard. No effort and very little cost. Perfect for a very very autumnal day - Edinburgh got its first sleet of the season today. Unfortunately while I was out in it.

amazing- josh kelly, best kiteboard, best kiteboardin, best kiteboarding, best kiteboarding reviews.

boat knots

�My new obsession -^^-


The anime is horrible, though. Gokudera always has this spazzy-happy face for about three seconds longer than he should. I like Tsunaapos;s voice, though. Personally, I prefer the manga. The art is fantastic. I love Hibari (probably only because of his Tonfas Oh and also because heapos;s pretty. And because he goes, "Bite you to death") �and Yamamoto.�The mangaka makes Yamamotoapos;s eyes so pretty.�

And thereapos;s a Suzaku/Lelouch anthology I want called Iroirona Iro. I always want something. I have my History exam tomorrow. The second episode of Junjou Romantica is out But no subtitles, so Iapos;m only half understanding everything.�I canapos;t decide if Iapos;m happy or sad. Or whatever. But. Lifeapos;s good.�

I wish I had a Gokudera running around, blowing things up and going, "Jyuudaime~" XD

Yay~ I have a random post

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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I dont know if ive mentioned this before...because its been so long since ive posted on this thing, and dont wish to look back at what ive said...but a group of 3 "best friends" just doesnt work out. Let me tell ya....it just doesnt work. Someone will always feel left out, deserted, jealous, angry, sad, and so on...
this soon leads to backstabbing, lying, and other things. Ohh jeez

but im back at taekwondo :D my mom finally came to her sensus and realized that signing me back up was the right thing to do :)

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I live in a cloud. No joke, vancouverapos;s humidity shoots up to like 500, or whatever the highest percent is, and i assure you itapos;s over 100, because i saw 100 humidity in montreal, and there were no visible water droplets in the air to speak of...every fall and winter for about 6-8 months. It was truly a magical sight...is. I wish that when the sun was out, there would be no clouds, and then they could descend every dusk...then we would live in constant colour--vibrance during the day, and vast and diffused misty colours embracing the skyline, all the way down to the 8th floors, at night. The whites of the city get brighter near the port, where there is suddenly an eruption of orange, orange, orange, through the mist of which the strobe lights of the ship-cranes flash once more white. White. White. A somehow black hovers over the water, but the bridge is fuzzy in its blinking pathway to the other shore, where a smaller version of vancouver huddles once more under its swathe of orange. I know that up the mountain, the white of the hills mills about in preparation for those skiiers of the night...until they turn it off at midnight. Im serious, grouse mountain goes off at midnight, like a switch.
amoon, amoolya singh, amook bay community, amoohamed.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.


so the other night, i dreamt abuot suju
i think i was living with them - or atleast, i was hanging out where they lived.
and we were in some big room, im guessing it was the living room.
and it was a sunday.
and it was a sunny afternoon.
everyone just sitting on their computers, not really saying much to each other.
tapping away at their keyboards.
when chul comes in and i looked up.
he looked at me.

"im done, you can have this computer."
"yeah, i was only checkinapos; ma emailz~"

so i left the computer and just sat on the floor while heechul used the computer.
i remember grinning and i remember kibum looking up, pushing his glasses up a bit.
he probably thought i was weird.

it was just so.... Cozy.

and...im really glad i bought Another Code: Two Memories.
its an interesting and cute game. Its like a mystery.
its good. I like it.

so.... Ft islandapos;s apos;heavenapos;....just... So...amazing.
and... Oh god...
the subs...
jaejinapos;s little monologue at the end...
all shakey and...dying.

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european juggling festival

Put the other wheel cylinder in place tonight.. Record time... Really... Got it done in about 30 minutes (not including replacing the axle nut)

Sadly... While the brakes are nice and firm, the light still comes on. I think that I have a sensor problem.

Still...noted another problem... But I think that itapos;ll be alright... Now I need to get the biscuit sandwiches made up and get the covered area up outside to offload the shit in the bus so that I can pack it up and go hunt some elk.


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